Te Ara


The Path of Leadership

A new collaboration of Edmund Hillary Fellows and Māori communities to develop our rangatahi (young people) into future leaders - building their skills, confidence and true strengths to take the next step in life.

Empowering rangatahi Māori

(young Māori people)
to find their purpose and become future leaders

Future Leaders & Decision-Makers

Social & Emotional

Your Taumata (Superpowers)

Incubated by Kia Kotahi Ako and informed by the deep, existing mahi (work) of Te Whare Hukahuka, NNMD,
The Learner First.
Te Ara Rangatira is an extraordinary learning opportunity for emerging Māori leaders, aged 17-22, to develop..





to amplify their visibility and voice.

A collaboration including:


 Help us set up a sustainable business model to support Māori transformation, workforce productivity, and the future leaders of Aotearoa.

We are now inviting EHF Fellows and whānau to support us in the formation phase of Te Ara Rangatira. We also welcome inquiries from Fellows around providing programme mentoring or other support.

Your generous sponsorship will enable us to deliver one or two pilot workshops to cohorts of 25 young people and gain the valuable insights needed to scale and deliver this impactful leadership programme across Aotearoa and beyond.

These pilot sessions will inform the development of an accredited, nationwide learning programme to support rangatahi Māori (young people) as they begin to navigate the adult world and find their own pathways into the future.

Te Ara Rangatira is delivered by:

Founder, NNMD
Director Toro Studios
Trustee, Kia Kotahi Ako 
(Cohort 6 - Ngā Manu Titi Rere Ao)

Te Rarawa, Tuhoe, Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu

Nikora Ngaropo is a Māori entrepreneur and Founder of NNMD (NIKORA NGAROPO MOTION & DESIGN) and Director of Toro Studios. His Background spans over 25 years in Visual Effects, 15 of those working under the Weta Umbrella for both Weta Workshop and Weta Digital. Through Toro Studios, Nikora launched Toro Academy in 2021 which links education to industry, closing the gap between training and workforce Internships in 3D animation.

In 2019, Nikora became the first Māori person to be inducted into The Asia 21 Young Leaders and Chaired the Ringaraupa subcommittee for APEC in 2021. He currently sits on the Audit & Risk Committee for MBIE and has recently been nominated to the Advisory Committee for UCLA’s Innovation, Culture & Creativity Project (ICC).

Nikora Ngaropo

Te Whare Hukahuka
EHF Fellow
(Cohort 7 - Iti Rearea)

Te Rarawa, Te Mahurehure (Ngāpuhi), Ngāruahine

Shay’s passions lie in the combination of social innovation and education with indigenous knowledge and contemporary business thinking. He uses this mix to disrupt the status quo.

Shay is an indigenous social entrepreneur, who has spoken on stages across the world, set up several enterprises, won numerous national and international awards, and held multiple Government and indigenous enterprises advisory roles. In 2016 Shay was named in the Forbes Asia ‘30 Under 30’ list of top Social Entrepreneurs.

Shay Wright

Founder, Kia Kotahi Ako & The Learner First
EHF Fellow
(Cohort 6 - Ngā Manu Titi Rere Ao)

Waitaha, Ngāti Māmoe, and Ngāi Tahu

Joanne loves developing ways for students, teachers, and communities to learn about themselves, their place in the world, and how they may contribute their gifts to humanity.

She has over 30 years of global education experience as a teacher, principal, Ministry of Education leader, renowned author, co-founder of New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL), a member of the Executive Committee for Karanga: The Global Alliance for Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills, an Edmund Hillary Fellow, a Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow, and a member of the Education New Zealand: North America Advisory Board.

Joanne McEachen

Also supported by a range of other EHF Fellows including:

Huia Lambie

Sarah Grant

Bex De Prospo Carr

How we see this looking..

  • We want to ensure that our future leaders can operate well in a governance space, be clear on what they stand for and what they bring to the table, and are able to regulate themselves.

    This programme aims to build their skills, raise their visibility and create pathways into other follow-on programmes and opportunities.  

  • We want to test the impact of working together and how this content lands with cohorts of rangatahi.

  • Rangatahi between 17 - 22 years old. 
    We intend to run a pilot in the Far North and possibly a pilot in Christchurch with rangatahi Māori.

  • All funding raised towards the pilot programmes will go towards direct costs of programme development, facilitation and delivery, logistics and resources for participants.

    Our organisations are each contributing to the overall costs.

  • We are actively exploring models to make this programme sustainable. These include linking this to NCEA credits,  having it as a holiday programme option, and the potential to make it international and share indigenous wisdom with youth globally.

  • We would love to have more Fellows involved in the development, delivery, funding, promotion, and growth of this programme!

    Key Fellows involved are noted above.

    Click the contact button below to be in touch.

    Currently we are doing this voluntarily and one of us will be in touch.

These pilot sessions will inform the development of an accredited, nationwide learning programme to support rangatahi Māori (young people) as they begin to navigate the adult world.

Participants of Te Ara will gain
in-depth insights around:

Personal Development

Clarifying Purpose

Emotional Regulation


Visibility and Curation

Governance & decision making

Key themes we will explore with participants:

Connecting them with peers

Meeting innovators and entrepreneurs

Learning fundamentals around business

Utilising mātauranga Māori

How to manage politics

Managing relationships and differences

Identifying ways to influence

Join us in creating the next generation of

transformational Māori leaders

who know their purpose, aspire for impact, and carry with them the skills, tools, and influence to lead us into a better shared future.