Te Whare Hukahuka is an Indigenous social enterprise
with the vision to improve the lives of ten
million Indigenous People.

Enabling our Māori organisations to be world class
and our next generation of Māori leaders to be successful

We work with indigenous leaders to strengthen their governance,
grow organisations and create impact for their communities.

Te Whare Hukahuka has provided training and support for more than 400 Māori organisations, and trained more than 2,000 Māori leaders across Aotearoa. 

Te Whare Hukahuka refers to ‘the domain of innovation’, drawing from the traditional pūrakau of Tangaroa birthing the many varied creatures of the sea.

Our work has been acknowledged nationally and internationally for the way we combine innovation principles with practical learning, best practice thinking and indigenous knowledge to create learning experiences that truly make a difference.  

Being named in the ‘Forbes Asia 30 Under 30’ list demonstrates that our mahi (work) is recognised globally and is making a difference locally and internationally.  

Our Ka Eke Poutama programme was named ‘Community based Programme of the Year’ in 2017, which recognises the impact that it is having on our emerging Māori leaders and their communities.

We don’t work alone. We collaborate with a wide range of community organisations, iwi and agencies to help catalyse solutions to community issues.


What our alumni are saying about Te Whare Hukahuka...

  • “I really enjoyed the courses, and they’ve had a really positive effect on all our members. Every single person has said ‘we got value out of this’”

    — John Dobson, Ngāti Koata Trust

  • “Te Whare Hukahuka have helped give us a Māori face in the governance space”

    — Shane Bradbrook, Ngāi Tāmanuhiri

  • “They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks... turns out you can!”

    — Te Taru White, Pukahukiwi Kaokaoroa