a kind of enterprise based on spiritual principles, community and the laws of nature.
An enterprise that is created from love, not ego. One that serves the collective rather than controls us. We also believe that the core values that we focus on should enable the organism to thrive.
We work with those who are spirit led.
Reverence and appreciation for the spiritual realm is foundational to us.
We remind people that we are living in a sacred world.We help to inspire a collective consciousness
The economy we experience is a reflection of where we are at spiritually.
We invite spirit into the room
Karakia and intention setting.
A moment of silence.
Sharing what we are present to.
We ensure plants are present at the board table.
We bless our products with intention before they are sent out.
Catalysing intentionBehind everything we do there is an intention bigger than ourselves.
e.g Selling more product => Healing more people.
The intention of the organisation itself arises so strongly that it compels action.
We honour the givers of a gift by how we use it.We honour the spirit of the gift
A magical quality, a spirit, circulates along with gifts.
We evolve like nature.
Our systems are reflective of the systems of nature.
We are constantly learning.
We will adapt.
We appeal to biomimicry for inspiration.We do not force growth.
We check that our processes work and do not create harm before we scale them.
We do not believe in infinite growth.
We accept that growth has limits and boundaries, and that infinite growth is unsustainable.We ensure resources flow and circulate.
We work with the energy of the seasons.
We aim to adapt the type of actions expected of them at different times of the month. -
We cultivate love
We have love for mother nature.
We cultivate positive energy within our own beings.
We support one another in our spiritual journeys and to work through challenges.
We offer assistance to one another to help us in our life paths.We heal.
We believe in the body’s innate ability to heal itself when supported with the nutrition it needs.
We have internal healers who are recognised for the healing they do of team members.
We look after the health of our collaborators - so that they are well and keep the chi flowing. Healed people heal people.
We heal the disconnection from our mother earth.
We see the inherent good and potential in humanity.
We facilitate connection.We care about direct connections in our ecosystem.
We ask what people need.
We connect with the self and what we each need.
We never get people to choose between family and work.We reduce suffering.
We take responsibility for all negative externalities and impacts of our ecosystem.
We find ways to support those who are wanting to heal. -
We build our business models around giving.
If our products and services are not accessible to the poor, then it’s neither radical nor revolutionary.
We trade value beyond money.
We believe in relationships over transactions.
We believe in the gift and barter economy.
Each team member shares their offering to the team.We give thanks to those who provide for us.
We lift prosperity.
We look after wellbeing.We give respect to those we learn from.
We honour indigenous wisdom.
We remember indigenous history.
We take direction from elders and masters.
We honour the spirit of the gift.Team members can gift healing stacks to people in their community.
We keep the flow of resources moving.
We care about the flow of resources rather than hoarding resources.
We recognise that nothing lasts forever in nature.
We recognise that money does not disintegrate, and so it is not natural. -
We balance masculine and feminine energy.
Action-orientation and intuition.
Hustle and rest.
We align with the cycles of nature.
We consider the lunar cycles and seasonal cycles.
We have rituals based around the phases of the moon.
We consider women’s menstrual cycles in planning workloads.We balance clearing the inbox with clearing the mind.
We balance the aims of the spirit in harmony with the aims of the organism.
The oscillation between delivering the aims of our organisation and the aims of the spirit is our organisation breathing.
We balance the three lenses of knowing - sense perception, logical and intuitive.
Our team is encouraged to share from any of these lenses of knowing.
We hold space for distributed decision-making.
We do not believe in hierarchy for the sake of it.
We empower natural leadership.
We see leadership as an invitation to collective action.
Our leaders help set and monitor the cadence of the team
Team members are free to comment about the leadership of others.
We have a hive mind.
We coalesce around our aligned mission, but have the autonomy to intuit and act independently towards getting there.We involve the team in group decision making for matters that are relevant to them.
We communicate openly.Everyone is able to ask
We measure what we treasure.
No onerous or oppressive KPIs.
Each goal and KPI itself comes from a spiritual principle.
If we can’t decide ourselves, we offer the decision to nature to make, through having our wider ecosystem contribute towards it.Collaborator focused
“I don’t want disciples, I want collaborators” - The Mother
Replacing the sense of competitors with contemporaries.
We work with a network and ecosystem of collaborators rather than staff. -
Nature is not a resource.
We have a duty to look after nature
Nature nourishes us with her blessings.
We take responsibility for our impacts.
Things that are bad for us are generally also bad for nature, because we are that.
We focus on natural solutions rather than synthesised solutions.
We accept that we live in a material realm that often requires money to operate.
We accept that we need to operate in accordance with regulations and laws.
We accept there are at times financial limitations to what we can afford with money alone.
We also accept that we can inspire others to contribute to our mission.
We speak truthfully about our products and community impact.Our marketing is based on portraying reality. We do not use stock photos or artificial intelligence generated.
What we put inside us affects our energy levels.
We aim to eat a balanced and healthy diet.
We try not to consume beings that suffered.
We acknowledge the complexity of nutrition and the chemical reactions in the body.
What we expose ourselves to affects our vibration.We do not perpetuate negativity in our team.
We hold each other accountable for bringing negativity into an environment.
We set intention, foster connections and express gratitude.
We acknowledge the ancestors.
We offer blessings.
We create safe, sacred space for our team to share openly and authentically.
We do the inner work.
Inviting spirit into the room calls everyone forward into integrity.