Governance Reviews to identify what to focus on

Our Governance Review process helps your board identify your
strengths and critical areas to improve.

100 different aspects of your Trust’s governance are assessed overall. 

Multiple data points are used during this Governance Review, including perspectives from each of your board members as well as a review of your board documents. 

Key findings are summarised and presented to the board, along with a tailored set of recommendations of where to focus first to strengthen your governance over time.

Our Governance Review process helps ensure your board is clear on what it is doing well, what the critical issues are to address, and has a planned approach to strengthening your governance.

Frequently Asked Patai (questions)

  • The strength of an organisation starts with governance. Governance sets the overall direction and the way the organisation operates. Too often governance boards are actually not focusing on performing their role - they are distracted by operational matters, irrelevant details or political matters. Our Governance Review provides an external and unbiased view of how your governance is really doing, and recommendations of where you can improve to create a more effective organisation. No matter how you are doing, it is also important to find ways to improve. Handy tip: Funders love seeing that your board is in the habit of reviewing governance too!

  • There are many different types of Governance Reviews and Board Evaluations - each type looks at a different aspect of good governance. Six of the main types are set out below. Te Whare Hukahuka can provide a Governance Review that combines the first two (with the ticks).  We do not deliver the other four - these are best done by HR, legal and financial specialists.

  • The Governance Review has six stages. All up this will take participants approx. 80-100 minutes in total = 30-60 minutes for the diagnostic survey + 30-60 minutes for the quiz, and 60 minutes for a phone call. We do the rest.
    Note: You can expect the full Review process to be completed over six weeks.

  • We will review the governance documents that you have available to share. This can include: 

    • Trust Deed (with any amendments)

    • Board Charter/Governance Manual (of all governance policies)

    • Role descriptions (trustee, Chairs, Board Secretary, Manager)

    • Terms of Reference for any board committees and advisory boards

    • Current Strategic Plan

    • Annual Plan

    • Approved budget

    • Organisation KPIs

    • Examples of a recent Board Pack (agenda, minutes, Manager’s report)

    • Conflicts of Interest Register

    • Risk Register

    • Board Calendar of yearly governance actions

    • Board member skills/gaps matrix undertaken

    • Any previous Governance Review report/findings

    Note: Your organisation’s documents and data provided during the Governance Review will be kept secure and confidential within the Te Whare Hukahuka delivery team. 

  • Ae mārika! For those with no access to the internet or a device, there are three options:
    a) They can meet up with another trustee/GM to access their device.
    b) We can run through the survey and quiz with them over the phone
    c) We can post them the documents to fill in manually with a return envelope.

    Note: We can also post out paper copies of the final report if requested.

  • The diagnostic needs to be completed before we can do the phone calls. When all surveys are completed we will send your trustees an email to book a suitable time for a phone call. It is a simple process with step-by-step instructions.

  • If you have any questions about the Governance Review process please feel free to give the team a call or drop us an email and we would be happy to help.

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OR phone Marama on 022 3456 909