Paddling the waka as one
Developing better governance and leadership practices with your trust board.
We enable your trustees to feel confident, capable and ready to make the right decisions to turn your vision into action
What do we cover?
Meetings: Get your time back. Trustees contribute confidently to discussions. Clear Resolutions. Adequate Preparation. Focus on strategic matters. Efficiently run meetings that allow the Board to achieve their goals.
Roles and Responsibilities: Clear understanding of everyone’s place in the Trust. Efficient operation of the Trust. Understanding your responsibilities as a Board member. Whānau able to hold their trustees to account. Greater traction.
Strategic Thinking: Clear direction where the trust is going and what you need to get there. Whānau believe in and support the Trust’s mission. Clear distinction between governance and operational strategy.
Measuring and Monitoring: Trustees and whānau become clear about the progress towards the strategic goals. The Trust board is able to monitor how far it has come, how far they have to go and whether they are off-course.
Risk Management: The Trust is aware of potential risks and is able to mitigate any problems or barriers that arise. Trustees feel safe to make reasoned decisions without risking the whānau’s assets.
Communication: Whānau are regularly updated on the progress their trust is making and can see the value provided. Trustees have positive and mana-enhancing discussions. Partners and shareholders feel engaged with the Trust Board.
Who is it for?
Primarily our work is for governance boards with leaders who are frustrated with the lack of progress in their trust and the lack of outcomes for their whanau. However, a large number of our clients are skilled, longtime trustees that are simply looking for new innovative techniques or opportunities to improve or sharpen their toki.
Do you work with individuals?
Currently we only work with groups or organisations.
When we worked with individuals in the past we found that the one empowered member would face an uphill battle trying to implement their new knowledge with the rest of the organisation.
Our experience has shown us that lasting and effective change comes from getting the entire board involved in the transformation process.
What do you get?
This programme has lots of great points, including:
- Personalised Governance Diagnostic
- Two full-day workshops
- 6 hours of coaching via video conferencing
- Access to Te Pataka Ipurangi (TWH tools, resources and videos)
“Te Whare Hukahuka have helped give us a maori face in the governance space”
““They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks...””
“I really enjoyed the courses, and they’ve had a really positive effect on all our members. They were able to clarify roles and gave good strategic guidance. Now we hear the lessons being brought up and people have adopted the terms. Every single person has said ‘we got value out of this’”