Time is a board’s most precious commodity. Yet many studies show that Board members often spend more time in meetings in cruise mode (passively listening to reports and conducting routine business, rather than actively discussing key policy matters or organisational strategy). People join Boards because they want to contribute. But too often a Board’s meeting agenda is filled with routine committee reports and neatly wrapped recommendations for formal approval.
With so much routine, questioning, brainstorming and dialogue might be missed. And yet this is the very stuff that allows trustees to leverage their knowledge, experience and perspectives to help out management and improve the organisation. Many Māori organisations report a similar infliction, yet there are those who do things differently and reap the rewards because of it. We have learned from them, and here are a few of the tips that we’ve picked up that is part of their recipe for success.
Nine Tips for Effective Board Meetings - a collection of the nine improvements that will create the greatest difference to reclaim your meetings.
Decision Paper Template - To enable the board to make more informed and aligned decisions.
Sample Board Agenda - This sets out a recommended order for a boards agenda.